

Tuesday, April 4th @ 7 P.M – Do you have something you’ve always wanted to do, but haven’t gotten around to starting? Join in on Action Club Fort Lauderdale where you will find a community filled with people who come with one purpose: turn dreams into reality.


It all started when Ivan Dynamo De Jesus set a goal for himself to make $1 million. Sure it took a few years, but he attributes his success to Action Club, a group he formed where goal-oriented people come together to achieve their goals through the support of an encouraging and inspiring community.


It’s easy to have ideas and goals, but getting results is a whole different ball game. The way Dynamo looks at it, “The hardest thing is to get something that’s standing still into motion — but once it’s in motion it’s just about inertia.” No matter how simple or complex your goals may be, being surrounded by a supporting community is invaluable to success.


Click here to read a recent article highlighting Action Club and be sure to let us know if you’re interested in joining the action!

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